The need for home health care has increased significantly as a result of people being discharged from the hospital sooner.
A home health care policy can provide valuable benefits when you need them most from the comfort of your home instead of in a hospital or nursing home, and prescription benefits help to reduce your out of pocket costs and/or deductibles.

Fixed Cash benefits are paid if you receive:
- Prescription Drugs
- Skilled Nursing Care
- General Nursing Care
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Pathology
- Occupational Therapy
- Chemotherapy Specialist Services
- Enterostomal Therapy
- Respiration Therapy
- Medical Social Services
- Home Health Care Aide

Optional benefits can also help cover:
- Annual Physical Exams
- Eye and Hearing Exams
- Ambulance
- In-hospital Private Duty Nurse
We know insurance lingo is confusing and policies are intimidating. Tell us what matters to you and let us help you protect it.