Find the right health insurance plan for your needs.
If an accident or illness strikes, paying high medical costs out of your own pocket can be a financial disaster.
Compassionate Insurance Solutions will help you understand the different types of health insurance choices for you and your family. Although plans differ, they basically cover most medical, surgical, and hospital expenses and can cover prescription drugs. Some plans even offer preventive health care, immunizations, and dental coverage.
Choosing the right health insurance plan at an affordable rate can be stressful, and Compassionate Insurance Solutions understands this.
That’s why we provide free, no obligation, consultations that guide you to the solutions that fits your needs the best! We make sure you can keep your providers who you are comfortable with without any network restrictions or out-of-network penalties.
Compassionate Insurance Solutions offers Catastrophic solutions (coverage) (subject to a deductible) and no deductible benefits for:
Outpatient Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy
Optional Benefits provide cash benefits for:
Outpatient X-Rays/Lab Tests
Outpatient Doctor Visits
Prescription Drugs
Preventive Care such as:
Pap tests
Diabetes tests
Prostate examinations
As with all of our policies, there are NO network restrictions so you do NOT have to go to specific providers or hospitals because YOU choose your OWN medical professional!

Who Needs Health Insurance?
The answer is easy, everyone! No matter your age, gender or shoe size, you need health insurance. Just like you need car insurance, in case anything happens to your vehicle, health insurance will cover you if you become sick or suffer an injury. Not only will it protect you in an accident or emergency, health insurance also covers things like preventative care, vaccines and screenings-which could essentially prevent you from becoming sick later on down the road.